As we usher in the month of November, we are all so happy to finally be experiencing some cooler weather. However, we must keep our guard up because we are still in hurricane season, which officially does not end until the 30th.

Many of us have been blessed this season since the majority of people in our area experienced minor or no damages. We should be counting our blessings while keeping others in much-needed prayer. Personally speaking, back in 2004, I pretty much lost my whole house during hurricane season.  Ninety percent of our house needed to be rebuilt, which is something I never want to go through again. So, my heart goes out to all of those in our state and the other states who were affected during this season and are continuing to suffer the consequences of recent storms.

Speaking of counting our blessings, Thanksgiving Day is quickly approaching on Thursday, the 28th. I think everyone should take a deep breath, relax, and focus on our family and friends as opposed to political topics that have been front and center for so many months. Take this opportunity to spend time with loved ones, maybe eat a little too much food, and then take a much-needed nap.

For me, I also plan on taking some TV time with a cup of coffee while watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade; it’s kind of my thing.

My closing thought, let us all be kind to one another, not just during the holiday season but every day. No one knows what tomorrow will bring, so cherish your loved ones and all those around you each and every day.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone,

Bryan McDonough

publisher / Spotlight Magazine