Dr. Kevin Kilday, PhD, CRPS, Dean of Faith College of Natural Health

For many years, people have wondered what the difference between herbal and conventional medicine is, and you’d be surprised to learn that they are as different as they are similar. The biggest difference is that natural herbal products are organic and only lightly processed. Whereas pharmaceuticals are synthetic and highly processed, even if the active ingredient is derived from a natural plant.

For thousands of years, many cultures have used natural herbal remedies to treat and cure ailments. They are also backed by many clinical studies. Products made from plants are called herbal supplements and come in many forms: tablets, capsules, oils, teas, and powders.

Big Pharma has many life-saving drugs, and I won’t deny it, but on the other hand, Big Pharma has a laundry list of controversies that have plagued the industry over the years. From price gouging on life-saving drugs to those dramatic commercials that promise relief from every ailment under the sun while casually mentioning side effects that can be worse than the original ailment. Big Pharma has made billions of dollars selling questionable products, cozying up to politicians, and spending more on marketing than research and development.

When it comes to our health, knowing when to use pharmaceuticals and/or natural herbal products is incredibly important. It should always be discussed with your Doctor, even if they do not agree with you; it is your final decision.

After all, in a world where we’re often caught between taking a pill promoted by TV or a natural product passed down through generations, balance and a sense of humor are our most valuable assets.

Therefore, whichever you choose, do it with a smile. Because, in the end, the greatest medicine of all is the ability to laugh and enjoy life, no matter which path you choose.

At Faith College of Natural Health, we offer many courses on Natural Health Products and Big Pharma products and controversies. The College is for everyone and is $97 a month full-time.

For more information, please visit: Fcnhedu.com

Dr. Kevin Kilday, PhD, CRPS, Professor & Dean at Faith College of Natural Health, Holistic Health Practitioner,

321-549-0711, www.fcnhedu.com, drkilday@gmail.com

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