Melbourne MainStreet logoThe Melbourne Regional Chamber and Spotlight Magazine is proud to introduce Melbourne Main Street as our first Spotlight Business! As one of 42 Main Street programs in Florida, Melbourne Main Street is so unique, since few cities within the US Main Street program have two distinct downtown’s. Created in 2008, Melbourne Main Street works on a multi-faceted approach to economic development Promotion, Organization, Economic Restructuring, and Design to transform Melbourne’s downtown.

According to Casey Gilbert, Executive Director, “it takes a village” to do all this, and she would like to see10827924_1063604806999806_8926050921898821065_o Melbourne Main Street grow partnerships with local businesses over the coming years. In addition, she hopes to refocus their events to attract a wider range and more mature audience. Help us celebrate this week’s Spotlight Business, check them out on the web at and like them on Facebook at .



MRC_logoCasey Gilbert, Executive Director

Melbourne Main Street

                                                                                                                                                   Article courtesy of Abby /  Melbourne Regional Chamber