Flames Mediterranean Bar & Grill will donate 10% of the May 31st sales to the Veterans Transitional Facility in Melbourne.


About the charity:

We are a temporary shelter for homeless veterans with their immediate families.

The issue of homelessness among U.S. Military Veterans is one that has been getting much attention over the past decade, with much discussion about the causes, effect, and solutions to this problem. However, there has been very little governmental or institutional progress toward a satisfactory resolution. It is a tragedy that by some estimates, at least 30% of the homeless population in this country are Veterans. Brevard County has not been spared the problem of homelessness and the Vietnam And All Veterans of Brevard, Inc. has taken specific action to assist in helping these homeless vets. 




Flames Contact: Steve Kinnaird – (321) 684-3145 – steve@pages4you.com