New color-coded menus will highlight healthier options in all Health First Cafeterias

A healthy diet is at the core of a healthy life. That’s why Health First is making it easier for associates and guests to make better dietary choices.

Through this new initiative, food items on Health first’s hospital menus will now be color-coded, helping customers decipher which choices are best for overall health, as well as what should be limited. This effort will identify foods’ potential pitfalls by identifying menu items as the following:



  •  Every day, the cafeterias will each feature different items identified as healthy choices. Each of the food stations will display the new color-coded options on the screens above, so everyone is aware of what category each of the items falls into. Four-week menus will be accessible on the We Are Health First Intranet, under “Hospital Menus,” to give associates the ability to plan their healthy meals over a month in advance.

Green items include foods that have the following per serving:

  • Have less than 10 percent of calories coming from saturated fat
  • 0 trans fat
  • Less than 100 mg cholesterol
  • Between 2gm to 5gm of fiber
  • Less than 16 gm of sugar

With sodium, green choices (per serving) will have:

  • Less than or equal to 700 mg for entrees, deli salads and soups
  • Less than 300 mg for side dishes, prepared sauces and salads
  • Less than or equal to 140 mg for vegetables and fruit
  • Less than or equal to 175 mg for breads



The goal of the Health First wellness program is to offer comprehensive programming to support, engage and motivate associates to adopt Healthy Behavior and Healthy Care activities to achieve the highest level of personal health and well-being.

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