Why would anyone want to advertise in “Spotlight Magazine”?

Small, and medium sized businesses today are challenged like never before, when it comes to getting their message out to the people who just might want to come in, and do business with them.  Advertising, and marketing make up a major section of every successful business’s budget, and ours is no different.

 While all of us who run a business, are aware of the need to advertise, the next obvious, but critical question, is where, and how?

 Trust me, the difference between effective advertising, and ineffective, is the difference between dead phones, and an empty business, and one that’s hopping.  With over thirty years at the retail end of my profession, I can tell you honestly, the differences can swing from tenderloin to tube steak, real quick, if you aren’t advertising effectively, in the right places, with the right message.

 Scary isn’t it?  Especially for small, or startup businesses, with no residual business, cash reserves, or goodwill, to get them through the inevitable mistakes, or natural slow periods.

Running a small business, or starting one, is definitely not, for the faint of heart.  Everyday it’s a walk in faith.  So, with getting the advertising mix right being so very critical, what do you do, where, and how do you get your message out effectively?

 Well, here it gets really scary now, because how we get our news, and how we shop for goods, and services has evolved, and is evolving at an incredible pace.  The traditional venues for local advertising were the local newspapers, the local directories, like the yellow pages, along with television, and radio.

 Now, stop to think about the last time you reached for a physical directory to find something you were looking for?

 The internet, and Google changed everything.  Smart phones, and tablets are changing it again, as searches go mobile.  The backbone of all local newspapers for years, was their classified ads.  Craig’s list, has crushed them, and Google, the local print directories, and yellow pages.

 Television has fragmented into hundreds of high definition choices, or gone away altogether, as more, and more people opt for an internet connection alone, selecting not only their own news, but ad free entertainment as well, as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, and Youtube provide countless entertainment choices, streamed instantly, with the click of a mouse.

 As for radio, your choices are limited to top of the mind, public service spots, on the Public Radio network, or a spot, somewhere in the noise, between the music, anywhere on the FM spectrum, offered by one, of two companies.

 So, what do you look for, if you’re that businessman, or woman, looking to get your message out, on a budget you can sustain, in an effective way?

  • You look for value.
  • You look for a local connection.
  • You look for flexibility.
  • You look for shelf-life.
  • You look for a loyal readership, what the industry calls eyeballs.
  • You look for an Internet presence to help ‘magnify’ your message.
  • You look for circulation & availability.
  • Most of all, you look for honesty, integrity, and shared values, in their leadership.

 We get all that, and more, every month from Bryan McDonough, and “Spotlight Magazine”.

 “Spotlight” gives us the best value going, for our advertising dollar.

 This monthly gets around, and sticks around.  It’s filled with articles, history, and interesting news about local people, places, and events.  It’s distributed free, through hundreds of locations, scattered across our community, as well as by subscription.

 Their reach, readership, content, and availability are growing, as the entire magazine grows and becomes available online, in a mobile friendly format that attracts more advertisers, contributing authors, and readers, magnifying my message, as well, as raising that all important SEO rating, of our own site.

 Being locally owned, and operated, they have the flexibility, and integrity to work through the inevitable errors, and mistakes that get made in any ongoing business arrangement.

 That’s why you’ll find us in “Spotlight Magazine” month in, and month out.

 It’s an arrangement that magnifies our message in multiple formats, helping to ring our phones, and fill our waiting room with new prospects, and patients, month in, and month out.

 “Spotlight” is a steady earner, honest partner, and they’ve become good friends as well.

 The “Spotlight” is quite possibly the best advertising value in the county today  That’s why we chose them, and keep choosing them to help get our message out every month to folks who will, see it, read it, and if, my message is right, respond.


 R. D.’Dan’ Taylor, Audioprosthologist,

Owner, A Advanced Hearing Care

720 East New Haven Ave, Suite 12

Melbourne, Florida 32901
