How to overcome workout fatigue

Regular exercise provides a host of immediate and long-term benefits. Those who exercise regularly can maintain healthy weights while reducing their risk for illnesses such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. While exercise can make people more energetic throughout the day, some might find themselves battling fatigue during their workouts. Muscle fatigue is a normal side effect of exercise, but people who are experiencing difficulty getting through their workouts due to fatigue may benefit from the Read More …


  By Amy Lyon  What in the world is Candida? I was at dinner with my husband when I heard a group of women talking (loudly) about Candida and the effects it has had on their bodies. I was grossed out; it wasn’t very good dinner conversation. What is Candida and is it as bad as they made it sound? -Vicki of Melbourne Dear Vicki, It’s amazing what girlfriends will share with each other, isn’t Read More …